• The Bestselling Author Of What Mothers Do

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Mothers TalkingWeekly Meetings
Please let me know if you are interested in joining Mothers Talking on Zoom.
I have recently retired, but will make a note of your email, and let you know if I resume.
Mothers Talking meetings are small weekly meetings where mothers can talk. Talking may sound like a luxury for a mother. But it isn’t. Few jobs, other than motherhood, leave us so alone, so unsupported, but with so much responsibility.
When we become mothers, we enter a new world. There is plenty to talk about and plenty to share. Most of all, we discover the power of understanding one another. This helps us to feel stronger and more confident as mothers.
Mothers Talking differs from a spontaneous chat between friends. Its structure encourages conversation to develop. 
What mothers have said about Mothers Talking on Zoom
From Simona Cerchiara
"It makes me feel at ease and realise how many good things I do, that I take for granted and feel are not that important, but they are."
From Melanie Appleby
 "I gained so many lovely insights from tonight."
From Ruth Sabrosa
"It was great to return to Mothers Talking - I always go away feeling so much better for being heard."
From Claire Lawrie
"I wish I had known about it when I was a younger mum, but listening to the others also stayed with me all week."
What mothers have said about Mothers Talking at the Active Birth Centre
Mother of four-month-old daughter
'I really enjoyed the Mothers Talking meeting last week, as did my daughter. I appreciated the opportunity to talk about feelings around motherhood and not just swap stories and techniques regarding sleep, pumping, and winter clothes.'

Wendy Blackmore
'I often think about Mothers Talking. Mothers seem to me to be little islands adrift, but Mothers Talking made me feel more respected and less alone.'
Lee Bradford
‘Mothers Talking has taught me to listen to my own natural instincts about what is right for me and my children, and likewise it has taught me not to judge others and what is right for them.’
Debora Collister
‘I’ve been to other mother-and-baby groups, but none was as supportive, explorative and life-enhancing as Mothers Talking.’
Frances Forsyth
'I've always got a tremendous amount from coming to Mothers Talking. It seems to be the only place where it's so easy to talk frankly about the ups and downs of motherhood and be confident of being heard and understood.'
Natasha Hall
‘I so much enjoyed coming to Mothers Talking. In the early months after my baby was born it was the focus of my week. It was the only "me” time where I could be in a social group where my mothering was understood and supported. Slowly I felt myself growing into a mother who was not perfect but true to myself.’
Debbie Kaplan
'For me, Mothers Talking was essential support. I looked forward to the meetings and the calm atmosphere. I made some close friendships during this time which have been enduring and we continue with the talking and sharing you initiated.'

Matilda Leyser
'Mothers Talking is the only group meeting I found as a mother that fully recognised the complexity and enormity of what I was experiencing - I'll be forever grateful for this.'
Danya Long (older child nearly 7 years)
'There are many words and ideas (yours and other mothers’) from Mothers Talking that are still with me and still resonant and helpful.'

Celine Rosen
'It would be difficult to explain in a few words what Mothers Talking means to a young mother. I walk away afterwards with a spring in my step and a renewed enthusiasm for my role as a mother.'
Suzanne Newcombe
‘Mothers Talking is a very special place. My daughter loves playing with the other children while I get a chance to relax and take a minute to consider what has gone well or poorly in the last week. I find it a unique and healing environment that expands my understanding of what it is to be a mother.'
Denise Sumpter
'Mothers Talking was a weekly oasis of calm that allowed me to express my thoughts and gain further connections for what I felt was right.' 

Eileen Tracy
‘Although Mothers Talking offers a mine of information, above all, it’s a warm and thoughtful (and comfy) place for me to work out ways of being loving and respectful towards my son.’

Emmanuel, Eileen’s son (aged 27 months)
‘C’est bien à Mothers Talking!’ (‘It’s good to be at Mothers Talking!’)
A Grandmother
'This is a necessary group. It is good for grandmothers too.'

Photo: Anita Atkinson

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